To better serve our mission and value of inclusion, NECCA provides financial assistance and payment plans so that everyone has access to circus arts education. Check out the information on our plans below.


Payment Plans

NECCA offers payment plans that help spread costs to fit your budget. Our standard package is a 50% deposit with two 25% automatic withdrawals from a debit or credit card.

We understand that some programs or situations require different payment plan packages. Please fill out this short google form to request a payment plan. We’ll help you enroll and send you an invoice for the deposit. We’ll also confirm which card to automatically charge the remaining payments. If you are applying for ProTrack, please email info@necenterforcircusarts.org for more information.



If you need assistance beyond a payment plan, you can also apply for NECCA financial aid.

NECCA offers financial aid on the basis of need. Aid is generally awarded in the range of 10-25% off one session class, youth camp, or workshop per student per session. Aid for ProTrack is limited to $2,000 per student per year.

If you would like to request a different amount, please make a note of the amount you are requesting. Further financial assistance may also be available through your health insurance or school system.


Financial aid applications due: One week before session classes begin.

Determinations: Three days before start of class.

Request Payment Plan

Request Financial Aid

Financial aid applications due: 2 weeks before 1st day of camp

  • School break camps: 1 week before 1st day of camp
  • Summer Camps: determinations are made in three rounds
    • Round 1: April, 23, 2024 for June and July Summer Camps
    • Round 2: June 4, 2024 for July and August Summer Camps
    • Round 3: July 16, 2024 – For August Camps ONLY

We will notify you of your status within 48 hours of determination

Request Payment Plan

Request Financial Aid

Financial aid applications due: 1 month before 1st day of the workshop/immersion
Determinations: 3 weeks before 1st day of the workshop/immersion

Request Payment Plan

Request Financial Aid

Financial aid applications due: With your application.
Determinations: See below.

Summer training aid applications are due with your application for the training. They are reviewed in three waves based on when they are received. Applications are reviewed in late March, late May, and late June. Determination is made within a week of review.

Request Payment Plan

Request Financial Aid

Financial Aid applications for ProTrack will open May 1, 2025. 

Fill out this form to apply.

If you have been a Vermont resident for at least one year, you may be eligible for significant funding through VSAC grants. We highly recommend applying for VSAC as soon as you can because they are often very generous with awards. There are also local and national scholarships available for trade schools; you can find many of them at Scholarships.com. You may also want to check with your local church or chamber of commerce. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to ourFinance Manager at info@necenterforcircusarts.org.

If you have any questions about these resources or need support with applying for aid, our reception team can help. Please email info@necenterforcircusarts.org or call 802-254-9780.



NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.



NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.

Many Thanks To

Our Sponsors

Please join us in thanking these companies for their support of NECCA.

Our Funders
Year Round Sponsors
Copyright © 2025 New England Center for Circus Arts
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